2016 Records

Below are 2016 records.

First sightings for each species are given in bold.

Niall Keogh and Brian Power  (03/01/2016)

The first recorded butterfly of 2016 is a Painted Lady seen by Niall Keogh and Brian Power at 13:10 at West Pier, Dun Laoghaire, County Dublin. The butterfly, in good condition was photographed feeding on the flowers of Alexanders (Smyrnium olusatrum). This plant usually flowers from March to June (Streeter, D., Hart-Davies, C., Hardcastle, A., Cole, F., & Harper, L.(2009) Collins Flower Guide. HarperCollins, London)

Michael Friel (27/01/2016)

Painted Lady 1, in good condition seen at 14:50  at Donaghmore, Co. Cork, 51.352524, 8.474824. Sunny; strong SW winds saw it take shelter in a grassy gully.

Andrew Power (22/02/2016)

Peacock 1, in Kildavin, Co. Carlow. The first resident free-flying butterfly recorded in 2016. Mild, sunny, c.6C.

Michael Friel (10/03/2016)

Peacock 1, flying swiftly over car park at c.1pm at Blackrock Castle, Co. Cork. Sunny, mild, c.10C.

Pat Bell (10/03/2016)

Peacock 1, on Royal Canal transect, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 11C.

Anthony Mooney (11/03/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 1, seen at 2pm on farmland at Bryanstown, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, at N916341, reported by Patrick Sheridan. Sunny, c.11C.

Pat Bell (14/03/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 1, on Royal Canal transect, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 12C.

Andrew Power and Peter Cutler (14/03/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 1, Comma 1, in Cuilaphuca Wood, Kildavin, Co. Carlow. Sunny, c.12C.

Philip Strickland (14/03/2016)

Several Small Tortoiseshells seen at various locations along Dublin-Maynooth rail line including Drumcondra, Broombridge, Co. Dublin and Leixlip and Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Sunny, c.12C.

Jesmond Harding (17/03/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 1, at Lullymore, feeding and basking, three Marsh Fritillary larval nests, at Lullymore, three Marsh Fritillary larval nests on Crabtree Reserve, Lullybeg, Co. Kildare. Sunny but cool, 10C.

Philip Strickland (17/03/2016)

Small Tortoiseshells several, in wood at Hortland, Co. Kildare. Sunny, c.10C.

Jesmond Harding (18/03/2016)

Marsh Fritillary larval nests 10 (some larvae were fourth instar, some fifth), on drier areas of Alder marsh on North Bull Island, Co. Dublin. Cloudy, cool, c.7C.

Pat Bell (20/03/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 1, at allotment/transect at Stacumny, Co. Kildare. Cloudy, becoming sunny, c.11C.

Jesmond Harding (25/03/2016)

Brimstone male, 1, at Lullybeg, Co. Kildare. Sunny, strong breeze, 13C.

Pat Wyse (28/03/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 1, in Lullymore, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 10C.

Denise  Harding and Jesmond Harding (28/03/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 1, along bank of River Blackwater in Fermoy, Co. Cork at W806 958. Sunny, cool, c.9C.

Jane Harding and Jesmond Harding (30/03/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 2, on north bank of River Rye  at Louisa Bridge, Leixlip, Co. Kildare. Sunny but cool, c.10C.

Michael Friel (04/04/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 1, seen at 4pm seeking shelter from rain at a stone wall after a period of sunshine at Ballymacshoneen, Co. Cork. Temp when sunny c.12C.

Michael Friel (05/04/2016)

Peacock 2 seen between 12:00-13:00 at Castlefreke Woods, Rathbarry, Co. Cork. Sunny, 12C.

Michael Friel (09/04/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 2, seen between 15:30-16:00 in fields at 51-36N, 8-46W at Lislevane, Co. Cork. Sunny but windy, 7C.

Michael Friel (11/04/2016)

Holly Blue 1, Peacock 3 seen between 12:30 and 13:00 on brightly lit ride along southern edge of Marlogue Wood, Fota Island, Co. Cork. Sunny, 13 C.

Michael Friel (12/04/2016)

Peacock 1 seen at 11:45 at White’s Marsh, Clonakilty, Co. Cork.

Emperor moth 3, including pair in copula on heather at 15:45  at Barry’s Cove, Co. Cork, in bright sunshine.

Michael Friel (15/04/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 2 seen between 12:50 and 13:30 at 51-53N, 8-19W, Little Island, Co. Cork. Mainly cloudy, 9C.

Michael Friel (17/04/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 2, seen between 11:15 and 11:30 at 51-35-43N, 8-45-36W at Lissycrimeen, Co. Cork. Sunny, 10C.

Jesmond Harding (17/04/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 2, (and one Stoat) seen between 11:40 and 12:10 along lane at Mulhussey, Co. Meath. These are the first butterflies I observed in my home locality since 17/10/2015, making it six months without a butterfly sighting. Sunny, calm, 7C.

Pat Wyse (17/04/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 2 feeding on dandelion at 10:45 in Coonough, Carbury, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 10C.

Patrick Sheridan (19/04/2016)

Green-veined White 1 in garden at Ballyvoneen, Co.Kildare, N804408 (first garden butterfly record of 2016?). Sunny, 13C.

Michael Friel (19/04/2016)

A white, probably, Green-veined White given its presence in marsh habitat, Peacock 3 between 11 and 11:30 along lake walk, Rathbarry, Co. Cork. Sunny,  11C.

Pat Bell (19/04/2016)

Brimstone 6, Small White 2, Orange-tip 2, Peacock 8 at Kilberry Bog south, Co. Kildare. Cloudy with sunny intervals, c.14C.

Andrew Power (19/04/2016)

Peacock 3 (one in very good condition), Comma 1, Speckled Wood 1 at Kildavin, Co. Carlow.

Andrew Power (20/04/2016)

Orange-tip 5,  Holly Blue 1, Small Tortoiseshell 1, Peacock 3, Comma 1, Speckled Wood 1 in Kildavin, Co. Carlow. Sunny, 17C.

Jesmond Harding (20/04/2016)

One white, probably Green-veined White at edge of wooded section of Sean Walsh Park, Tallaght, Co. Dublin. Sunny, 16C.

Pat Bell (20/04/2016)

Holly Blue in Maynooth garden, Co Kildare. Sunny c.13 C, 11a.m. Ten days later than last year but fairly typical timing for first sighting.

Pat Bell (20/04/2016)

Peacock 3, Small Tortoiseshell 2, Speckled Wood 1 on Royal Canal transect, Maynooth, Co Kildare. Sunny c.14 C.

Pat Bell (20/04/2016)

Brimstone 5, Orange Tip 2, Small Tortoiseshell 1, Peacock 8 at Kilberry Bog south-west, Co Kildare.Sample reference S672979. Sunny c.16 C. Plus one Pine Marten to go with Jesmond’s stoat.

Jesmond Harding (22/04/2016)

Brimstone 5, Small Tortoiseshell 5, Peacock 5, Speckled Wood 1, Common Heath 1 (and one Pine Marten) at Lullybeg, Co. Kildare.

Brimstone 4, Small White 1, Orange-tip 1, Peacock 4, Small Tortoiseshell 2 at Lullymore, mainly on track leading to IPCC reserve. Sunny with cooling easterly breeze, 15C.

Pat Wyse (23/04/2016)

Small White 1, Orange-tip 1, Small Tortoiseshell 2, Peacock 1 at Lullymore/Lullybeg, Co. Kildare. Mixture of sun and cloud, c.13C.

Michael Friel (26/04/2016)

Peacock 1, Speckled Wood 1  seen between 11:30-12:15, at Castlefreke Woods, Rathbarry, Co. Cork, 51-34-24N 8-58-05W. Sunny, 8C.

Denise and Jesmond Harding (02/05/2016)

Brimstone 1, Small White 1, Green-veined White 5, Orange-tip 1 between c.2pm and 3pm in Killinthomas Wood, Rathangan, Co. Kildare.  This is a stunning “Bluebell wood” with a rich herb layer comprising Wood Sorrel, Wood Anemone, Water Avens, Ransoms etc. Cold, blustery showers with short sunny breaks; c.10C in sunshine.

Michael Friel (03/05/2015)

Speckled Wood 1, at 11:15 at Castlefreke Woods, Rathbarry, Co. Cork, 51-33-48N, 8-58-46W. Cloudy, 8C.

Jesmond Harding (06/05/2016)

Small White 1, Speckled Wood 5 along lane at Mulhussey, Co. Meath. Sunny, c.14C, hazy sunshine.

Michael Friel (06/05/2016)

Green-veined White 1 at Lislevane, Co. Cork. Sunny, 13C; first real spring day here.

Pat Wyse (08/05/2016)

Brimstone 22, whites, probably all Green-veined Whites 16, Orange-tip 6, Peacock 14, Speckled Wood 2 at Lullymore, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 19C.

Val Swan (08/05/2016)

Large White 2, several Green-veined Whites and Orange-tips, Holly Blue 1, several Speckled Woods in Killinthomas Wood and along Killiguire Road, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 19C

Jesmond Harding (08/05/2016)

Green-veined White 4, Orange-tip 2, Small Tortoiseshell 1, Speckled Wood 4, including a mating pair along hedged lane at Mulhussey, Co. Meath. Sunny, breezy, c.20C.

Philip Strickland (08/05/2016)

Dingy SkipperSmall CopperNarrow-bordered Bee Hawkmoth seen at Lullymore. Sunny, 20C.

Michael Friel (08/05/2016)

Green-veined White 1, Speckled Wood 1 12-13:00, Cape Clear, Co. Cork. Sunny, 11C.

Denise and Jesmond Harding (12/05/2016)

Green-veined White 2, Orange-tip 2, Speckled Wood 7, Small Copper 1 along lane for three former species and in field at end of lane for Small Copper at Mulhussey, Co. Meath. Sunny, 19C.

Michael Friel (12/05/2016)

Orange-tip 4, Holly Blue 1, Peacock  1;  2-3pm at Big Meadow Walk, Glengariff Forest NR. Sunny, 16C.

John Lovatt (12/05/2016)

Small White 2, Large White 2, Green-veined White 5, Orange-tip 3, Red Admiral 2, Silver Y 2 at The Hook, Co. Wexford.

Michael Friel (13/05/2016)

Orange-tip 10 12-13:00 at Goleen, Killarney NP. Sunny, 18C.

Pat Bell (13/05/2016)

Small White 2, Green-veined White 2, Orange-tip 5, Holly Blue 7, Peacock 1 on Royal Canal transect, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 15C.

Jesmond Harding (13/05/2016)

Dingy Skipper 6, Wood White 7, Brimstone 5, Holly Blue 1, Peacock 3, Pearl-bordered Fritillary 1(male) from 3pm-after 4pm near cross roads at R396983, Gortlecka, County Clare. Sunny, c.21C.

Dingy Skipper 2, Wood White 2, Orange-tip 1, Holly Blue 1, Speckled Wood 1, Emperor moth 1, Speckled Yellow 3, Small Purple-barred 1 along Clooncoose track and area off track west of cottage, R283953 sample ref, Clooncoose, Co. Clare. Sunny, 20C.

Patrick Sheridan (13/05/2016)

Holly Blue 3, Bryanstown, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 13C.

Ian Whitehouse (14/05/2016)

Cryptic Wood White 2, Common Blue 3, at Brittas Bay North, Co. Wicklow. Sunny, breezy, 15C.

Patrick Sheridan (14/05/2016)

Dingy Skipper 1, Orange-tip 2, Small Copper 4, Common Blue 4, Peacock 1, Wall Brown 3, Speckled Wood 1 at old privately-owned sand pit near Broadford, Co. Kildare. According to “Ireland’s Butterflies-a Review” N63 is a new 10km square for Wall Brown and Dingy Skipper. Sunny, 14C.

Dingy Skipper 3, Green-veined White 1 at old private sandpit near Longwood, Co. Meath. Sunny, 15C.

Dingy Skipper 2, Cryptic Wood White 12 (a very productive site for this species), Small White 8, Green-veined White 3, Orange-tip 8, Speckled Wood 8 along canal east of Enfield, Co. Meath. Sunny, 16C.

Michael Friel (14/05/2016)

Dingy Skipper 8, Wood White 7, Brimstone 3, Green-veined White 1, Orange-tip, Holly Blue 4, Peacock 1,  Speckled Wood 2, Cinnabar moth 1 between 11:00am and 1:00pm at Gortlecka, Co. Clare. Sunny, 18C.

Jesmond Harding, Linda and Richard Morrison (14/05/2016)

Brimstone 10, Peacock 1, Pearl-bordered Fritillary 1(male), Speckled Wood 1, at R322948, Mullaghmore, Co. Clare. Sunny, 18C.

Jesmond Harding (14/05/2016)

Dingy Skipper 5, Wood White 5, Brimstone 5, Green-veined White 1, Burnet Companion 1 at Gortlecka, near cross roads. Sunny, 18C.

Dingy Skipper 15, Wood White 10, Large White 1, Orange-tip 1, Peacock 1, Wall Brown 1(male), Speckled Wood 7, Narrow-bordered Bee Hawkmoth 1, Burnet Companion 1, Speckled Yellow 3 at Clooncoose, on track and later off track east of cottage. Sunny, 18C.

Jesmond Harding (15/05/2016)

Dingy Skipper 7, Wood White 6, Peacock 1, Pearl-bordered Fritillary 9 (1 female), Speckled Wood 1, Speckled Yellow 1, Burnet Companion 3 on scrubby limestone west of cottage at Clooncoose, Co. Clare. Sunny, 17C.

Dingy Skipper 10, Wood White 1, Small Copper 1, Peacock 1, Pearl-bordered Fritillary 12 (3 females), Speckled Wood 10 plus, Transparent Burnet larva 1 on thyme (also a Short-eared Owl) at R293956, Teeskagh, Co. Clare. Sunny, 17C.

Margaret O’Driscoll (15/05/2016)

Orange-tip 1 seen at The Gearagh Nature Reserve, Macroom, Co. Cork.

Caroline McDonald (15/05/2016)

Dingy Skipper 1 (photographs supplied) at 53.120050, 7.043558 alongside M7 and R417 beside Moore Abbey woodland in Monasterevin, Co. Kildare.

Patrick Sheridan (15/05/2016)

Orange-tip 2, Holly Blue 1 at 10am at Kilwogan, Celbridge, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 13C.

Ian Whitehouse (15/05/2016)

Dingy Skipper 12, Brimstone 2 (male and female) Cryptic Wood White 3, Orange-tip 2, Small Copper 1, Peacock 1, Marsh Fritillary pupa 1, Speckled Wood 1, Narrow-bordered Bee Hawkmoth 1 at Lullymore, Co. Kildare. Sunny, cloudy, light breeze, 15C.

Jesmond Harding (16/05/2016)

Wood White 2, Large White 1, Orange-tip 1, Speckled Wood 1 between 9:30 and 10:00am at R397986, Bunakippaun Wood, Attyslany, Co. Clare. Sunny, 12C.

Philip Strickland (16/05/2016)

Cryptic Wood White, Green Hairstreak, Small Copper, Silver-washed Fritillary (one male; an extremely early record; usually seen from late June/early July) Marsh Fritillary pupa 1, Mother Shipton, Burnet Companion at Lullymore. Sunny, 16C.

Patrick Sheridan (16/05/2016)

Orange-tip 3, Wall Brown 2, Speckled Wood 3 at 10am in private sand pit near Eadestown, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 13C.

Patrick Sheridan (19/05/2016)

Dingy Skipper 3, Cryptic Wood White 3, Small White 1, Small Tortoiseshell 1, Peacock 1, Speckled Wood 1 at N701209, Inchanearl, Co. Kildare. Sunny, windy, 16C.

Jesmond Harding (21/05/2016)

Dingy Skipper 3, Brimstone 5, (several ova found on Alder Buckthorn) Cryptic Wood White 1, Green-veined White 1, Orange-tip 5, Narrow-bordered Bee Hawkmoth 3, several Common Heaths, Burnet Companion 1 at Lullybeg  reserve and environs, Co. Kildare. Intermittent sun, 14C in sunshine.

Jonathan Shackleton (22/04/2016)

Cryptic Wood White 2, Narrow-bordered Bee Hawkmoth 1 along road/track margin, at N4582, Ross Wood, near Lough Sheelin, Co. Cavan.

Michael Friel (22/05/2016)

Small Heath 2 seen at 11am at Ballymacshoneen, Co. Cork, feeding at cliff edge. Sunny, 12C.

Philip Strickland (24/05/2016)

Marsh Fritillary 1, Common Blues, several Narrow-bordered Bee Hawkmoths on cutaway bog at Lullymore, Co. Kildare, Sunny, C.17C.

Michael Friel (25/05/2016)

Wall Brown 8 on Inisbofin Island, Co. Galway. Sunny, 16C.

Jesmond Harding (28/05/2016)

Green-veined White 3, Orange-tip 2, Common Blue 19, Marsh Fritillary 54, Small Heath 3, Cinnabar 1 at north-west area of North Bull Island, Co. Dublin. Sunny, light breeze, 18C.

Michael Friel (28/05/2016)

Common Blue 5, Small Heath 28, Silver Y 4 between 2-4pm at Ballymacshoneen, Co. Cork. Sunny, 12C.

Ian Whitehouse (29/05/2016)

Large White 1, Orange-tip 5, Common Blue 2, Speckled Wood 2 at Irishtown Nature Reserve, Co. Dublin. Sunny, light breeze, 18C.

Ian Whitehouse (31/05/2016)

Dingy Skipper 3, Brimstone 2, Cryptic Wood White 10, Orange-tip 2, Common Blue 2, Peacock 1, Marsh Fritillary 8, Small Heath 3, Speckled Wood 1, Narrow-bordered Bee Hawkmoth 3 at Lullybeg, Co. Kildare. Sunny, calm, 18C.

Pat Bell (31/05/2016)

Small White 4, Green-veined White 1, Orange-tip 2, Common Blue, Banded Demoiselle 2 along several kms of the Barrow Way north of Maganey, Co. Kildare; fairly quiet. Sunny, 21C.

Michael Friel (31/05/2016)

Small White 3, Large White 2, Green-veined White 1, Red Admiral 1, Speckled Wood 10 between 11:00-12:30 along lake walk, Rathbarry (Coillte site), Co. Cork. Sunny, 17C.

Jesmond Harding (01/06/2016)

Dingy Skipper 3, Brimstone 1, Cryptic Wood White 3, Green-veined White 1, Orange-tip 3, Small Copper 1, Common Blue 1, Marsh Fritillary 9, Small Heath 8 on Lullybeg Reserve, Co. Kildare, Sunny, hot, 23C.

Michael Friel (01/06/2016)

Common Blue 28, Wall Brown 1, Small Heath 48 , 2:30-4:30 at Ballymacshoneen, Co. Cork. Sunny 19C

Jesmond Harding (02/06/2016)

Dingy Skipper 8, Brimstone 1, Common Blue 3, Peacock 1, Narrow-bordered Bee Hawkmoth 1, several Burnet Companions along marl track at edge of firebreak, Lullybeg, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 18C.

Jonathan Shackleton (02/06/2016)

Green Hairstreak 1 at N6883 on Kilkonny/Mullagh raised bog, Co. Cavan.

Ian Whitehouse (03/06/2016)

Small White 1, Common Blue 15 including 3 females, Marsh Fritillary 6, Small Heath 6, Speckled Wood 3 on Bull Island causeway. Sunny, light breeze, 16C.

John Lovatt (03/06/2016)

Clooncoose, Co. Clare:

R2794: Marsh Fritillary 2.

R2994: Common Blue, Speckled Wood.

R2895: Dingy Skipper 2, Wood White 2, Common Blue 9, Pearl-bordered Fritillary 2, Marsh Fritillary 13, Small Heath 2.

Jesmond Harding (04/06/2016)

Cryptic Wood White 8, Orange-tip 4, Small Copper 1 on Pollardstown Fen, Co. Kildare. No sign of Marsh Fritillary there yet. Sunny, 21C.

John Mercer (06/06/2016)

Painted Lady 1 in garden for four days, attracted to lilac; last recorded in the garden at Hillsborough, Co. Down in 2013.

Patrick Sheridan (06/06/2016)

Painted Lady 1, Silver-ground Carpet 2, Magpie Moth 2 in garden at N804408, Ballyvoneen, Co. Kildare, Sunny, 22C.

Sandra Sheridan (08/06/2016)

Cryptic Wood White 2, Green-veined White 1, Orange-tip 1, Common Blue 12, Peacock 2, Painted Lady 2, Speckled Wood 1 at Hortland, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 22C.

Jonathan Shackleton (08/06/2016)

Painted Lady 2 (at least) on flowering chives at O1727, Airfield Estate, Dundrum, Co. Dublin.

Jesmond Harding (10/06/2016)

Green-veined White 1, Red Admiral 1 (the first inland record  received in 2016) at N906437 Milltown, Co. Meath. Hazy sunshine, 20C.

Jesmond Harding (11/06/2016)

Cryptic Wood White 1, Small Tortoiseshell larvae, probably third instar, Speckled Wood 13, Meadow Brown 1 along lane at Mulhussey, Co. Meath. Hazy sunshine, 17C.

Marcus Austin (11/06/2016)

Painted Lady 1 on flowers in private garden at 54° 56’ 44.27”N, 7° 40’ 28.04”W at Dromore, near Letterkenny, Co. Donegal.

BCI Outing (12/06/2016)

Cryptic Wood White 25, Orange-tip 7 (six ova, one larva), Common Blue 40 plus, Small Tortoiseshell new emergents 2, Painted Lady 2, Marsh Fritillary 12, Speckled Wood 1, Meadow Brown 3, Cinnabar 1, Six-spot Burnet 4, Narrow-bordered Bee Hawkmoth 1, Burnet Companion 10 plus, Mother Shipton 1; odonates include Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly, Black-tailed Skimmer at Collure, Lough Derravaragh, Co. Westmeath. Sunny, 20C.

Michael Kane (12/06/2016)

Painted Lady 5, at Kiltegan, near Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow. Sunny, c.20C.

Note: It appears that we might have large numbers of Painted Lady this summer. Migrants are being reported from throughout the country suggesting a large influx. The continuation of warm weather into July and August could result in a large home-grown generation later in the summer.

Patrick Sheridan (13/06/2016)

Ringlet 1 along bank of Royal Canal, Enfield, Co. Meath. Warm with drizzle (Ringlet is not deterred by light rain)16C.

Pat Bell (15/06/2016)

Painted Lady 1, Ringlet 6, Speckled Wood 4 on Royal Canal transect, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. This is the first Painted Lady I have seen here; it was seen in large numbers east at Louisa Bridge in 2009. Sunny turning to rain, c.17C.

Cryptic Wood White 1, Green-veined White 1, Orange-tip 2 (females), Meadow Brown 1, Speckled Wood 4 on Stacumny transect, Co. Kildare. Sunny turning cloudy, c.16C.

John Lovatt (15/06/2016)

Small Blue 66, Common Blue 13, Painted Lady 1, Wall Brown 1, Small Heath 13 counted during 14:32-17:00 on Portrane Burrow. Sunny, 18-20C winds east, force 1-2.

Jesmond Harding (18/06/2016)

Orange-tip 1(male), Common Blue 1(female, brown form), Speckled Wood 5, Ringlet 2 (males), Small Heath 4, Emperor moth larvae on Grey Willow, Grass Wave 2 (male and female), Silver Hook 2, Narrow-bordered Bee Hawkmoth larva 1 on Devil’s-bit Scabious at Lullymore, Co. Kildare. Cloudy, 14C.

John Lovatt (18/06/2016)

Meadow Brown 4 at Edenteriff Lake, Belturbet, Co. Cavan.

Green-veined White 1, Meadow Brown 6, Ringlet 1 at Killylea Lake, Belturbet, Co. Cavan.

Eric Dempsey (21/06/2016)

Swallowtail 1 at T 30293 99276, Killoughter Lane, Wicklow. The Swallowtail is an extreme rarity in Ireland and may have arrived on favourable winds from the continent. The individual seen in flight may be the subspecies gorganus (Papilio machaon ssp. gorganus) which occasionally appears in southern England; in 2013 breeding occurred in several locations in Sussex, Hampshire and Kent with overwintering of eggs, larvae and pupae observed in the spring of 2014. Climate warming might see this wide-ranging butterfly breeding on Wild Carrot and Fennel in the warmest areas in Ireland.

Michael Friel (22/06/2016)

Common Blue 6, Small Tortoiseshell 1, Red Admiral 2, Painted Lady 3, Meadow Brown 9, Small Heath 4 2:30-4:30 at Ballymacshoneen, Co. Cork. Sunny, windy, 18C.

Jesmond Harding (27/06/2016)

Brimstone  larvae 2, Green-veined White 1, Common Blue 1, Painted Lady 1, Dark Green Fritillary 2, Meadow Brown 15, Ringlet 34 during 10:00-10:40 on Lullybeg reserve, Co. Kildare. Mainly overcast, light drizzle clearing to short sunny breaks, 15C.

Orange-tip male 1, Common Blue 1, Speckled Wood 4, Ringlet 7 at 11:30 along track leading to IPCC reserve at Lullymore, Co. Kildare.

Meadow Brown 3, Ringlet 1, Brown Hawker 2 in garden at Mulhussey, Co. Meath.

Speckled Wood 1, Meadow Brown 69, Ringlet 3 between 15:10 and 15:30 along lane/track at Mulhussey, Co. Meath. Sunny, breezy, 17C.

Jesmond Harding (01/07/2016)

Speckled Wood 3, Meadow Brown 90, Ringlet 1 along a lane 1693 metres in length at Mulhussey, Co. Meath. Sunny, breezy, 13C.

Speckled Wood 1, Meadow Brown 3 in garden at Mulhussey, Co. Meath.

Michael Kane (01/07/2016)

Elephant Hawkmoth 1, 3pm at High Park, Kiltegan, Co. Wicklow.

BCI Outing (04/07/2016)

Peacock larval nest 1, Common Blue 20 plus, Silver-washed Fritillary 1, Dark Green Fritillary 50 plus, Meadow Brown 10 plus, Ringlet 20 plus, Small Heath 3, Wood Tiger 1 from 14:00 -16:20 at Clooncoose, Co. Clare. Sunny, breezy, c.18C

Lorraine Wyse (05/07/2016)

Lunar Hornet moth, female, photographed by Lorraine egg laying in her garden in Athy, Co. Kildare. This moth is a day flyer but is very rarely seen.

Patrick Sheridan/Val Swan (05/07/2016)

Common Blue 1, Meadow Brown, Ringlet abundant, Silver-washed Fritillary 1 at Lullybeg, Co. Kildare. Warm, cloudy, 17C.

Bob Aldwell/Frank Smyth (05/07/2016)

Small Skipper 10 plus, Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet 5 nectaring on thistles at Timahoe North, Co. Kildare. Cloudy, bright, 17C.

Jesmond Harding (06/07/2016)

Brimstone larvae 2, Common Blue 4, Dark Green Fritillary 1, Meadow Brown 19, Ringlet 59, Small Heath 11, Emperor larvae 3, Small Chocolate-tip larva 1, Latticed Heath 30 plus at Lullybeg reserve, Co. Kildare.

Dark Green Fritillary 2, Meadow Brown and Ringlet abundant, Small Heath 3, Latticed Heath 100’s, Banded Demoiselle 1, Beautiful Demoiselle 1 seen c.2km due west of Lullybeg reserve, at Cushling, Co. Kildare. Dull, light rain, c.18C.

Jesmond Harding (07/07/2016)

Small Skipper 10 (males), Small White 1, Small Tortoiseshell adult 2, Larval nests 3, Peacock larval nests 4, oldest nest consisting of 154 final stage larvae, Speckled Wood 3, Meadow Brown c.10, Ringlet numerous, Large Heath 3, Small Heath 1, Forester 1, Common Wave 10 plus on Timahoe Bog, Co. Kildare. Mainly dull but sunny later when temperature reached 21C.

Jesmond and Andrew Harding (11/07/2016)

Green-veined White 1, Small Tortoiseshell 2, Speckled Wood 2, Ringlet 3, Meadow Brown 70 along road and track at Mulhussey, Co. Meath. Mainly sunny, 18C.

Pat Bell (11/07/2016)

Large White 1, Small White 1, Small Tortoiseshell 9, Red Admiral 1, Meadow Brown 66, Ringlet  90 on transect at Stacumny, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 18C.

Michael Friel (14/07/2016)

Small White 3, Dark Green Fritillary 2, Meadow Brown 20, Ringlet 8 between 11:00 and 13:00 at Ballymacshoneen, Co. Cork. Sunny, 18C.

Michael Friel (16/07/2016)

Small White 2, Silver-washed Fritillary 2, Meadow Brown 9, Ringlet 19 between 13:30-14:30 at Knocknacree Woods, Cloughjordan, Co. Tipperary. Mixture of cloud and sun, 16C.

Michael Friel (18/07/2016)

Hummingbird Hawkmoth 1, at Ballymacshoneen, Co. Cork. Sunny, 21C.

Jesmond Harding (18/07/2016)

Brimstone 1 female, new emergent, Green-veined White 2, Silver-washed Fritillary 6, Meadow Brown 6, Ringlet 6, Speckled Wood 1 along track running along southern boundary of IPCC reserve, Lullymore. Sunny, 23C.

John Lovatt (21/07/2016)

Green-veined White 20, Silver-washed Fritillary 1 (pristine), Meadow Brown 80, Ringlet 30 at N417669, Castlewatty near Multyfarnham, Lough Derravaragh, Co. Westmeath. Sunny, c.20C.

Jesmond Harding (22/07/2016)

Peacock 1, first brood (new generation) at Timahoe Bog. Dull, c.18C.

Pat Bell (25/07/2016)

Large White 1, Holly Blue 1, Small Tortoiseshell 2, (on Buddleia) in my garden in Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Mostly cloudy, 17C.

Andrew Harding (27/07/2016)

Wood White 1 at Gortlecka, Co. Clare. Cloudy, bright, 18C.

Jesmond Harding (27/07/2016)

Brimstone 1, Green-veined White 1, Common Blue 3, Dark Green Fritillary 2, Grayling 21, Small Heath 17 counted between base of Mullagmore “red route” walk and summit, at Coolorta, Co. Clare. Mainly cloudy but bright, 18C.

Jesmond Harding (29/07/2016)

Three Small Tortoiseshell larval nests containing early instar larvae on nettles near St Tola’s High Cross, close to Dysert O’Dea Castle, Corofin, Co. Clare.

Brimstone 4, Wood White second brood 13, Green-veined White c.10, Large White 1, Brown Hairstreak 5 (males), Common Blue 5 plus, Small Tortoiseshell 2, Peacock 2, Silver-washed Fritillary 4, Dark Green Fritillary 4, Speckled Wood c.4, Meadow Brown 30 plus including 2 pairs, Ringlet c.15, Small Heath 15 plus, Northern/Oak Eggar 1, Six-spot Burnet 6, Common Carpet 1 in meadows around Gortlecka, Co. Clare. Sunny, 20C.

Andrew Harding (29/07/2016)

Grayling c.3, on limestone near Gortlecka, en route to Mullaghmore.

Michael Friel (29/07/2016)

Common Blue 1, Small Tortoiseshell 1, Red Admiral 4, Painted Lady 1, Dark Green Fritillary 2, Meadow Brown bi-pupilled form 1, Grayling 1, 3-5pm at Ballymacshoneen, Co. Cork (no Hedge Brown yet). Some sun, 22C.

Pat Bell (29/07/2016)

Large White 6, Small White 5, Green-veined White 8, Holly Blue 11, Small Tortoiseshell 1, Meadow Brown 4, Ringlet 2 on Royal Canal transect, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 19C.

Brian Power (31/07/2016)

Small Copper 1, Common Blues, Red Admirals, Silver-washed Fritillary 30, Dark Green Fritillary 1 seen in 20 minutes at Kilbrannish, Co. Carlow.

Purple Hairstreak 2, Comma 20, one taken by a Brown Hawker,  Small Tortoiseshell 2, Peacock 8, Red Admiral 8 and usual whites and browns at Ballytiglea, Co. Carlow.

Philip Strickland and Jesmond Harding (31/07/2016)

Small Copper 1, Peacock 2, Painted Lady 1, Silver-washed Fritillary 3, Marsh Fritillary larval nest 1, Meadow Brown 9, Ringlet 6, several Cochylis flaviciliana moths at Lullybeg, Co. Kildare. Cloudy but bright, c.17C.

Ian Whitehouse (31/07/2016)

Large White 13, Small White 3, Common Blue 7, Peacock 3, Red Admiral 5, Silver-washed Fritillary 9, Dark Green Fritillary 1, Gatekeeper/Hedge Brown 3, Meadow Brown 3, Ringlet 3, Small Heath 7, Six-spot Burnet 100’s at The Raven, Co. Wexford. Cloudy with sunny spells, Light breeze, 18C.

Ian Whitehouse (01/08/2016)

Grayling 1, Little Sugar Loaf, Co. Wicklow. Cloudy with sunny spells, breezy, 16C.

Ian Whitehouse (05/08/2016)

Small White 1, Peacock 1, Red Admiral  2, Silver-washed Fritillary 5 at Knocksink Wood, Co. Wicklow. Overcast with some sunny spells, calm, 17C.

BCI Outing (06/08/2016)

Green-veined White, Small White, Large White, Small Copper 1, Common Blue 2, Holly Blue 3, Peacock c.8, Red Admiral 2, Painted Lady 2, Silver-washed Fritillary 10 plus, Speckled Woods, Meadow Browns, Ringlet 2 at Kilbrannish Wood, Carlow. Sunny, c.17C.

Green-veined White 2, Large White 1, Purple Hairstreak 3, Holly Blue 1, Silver-washed Fritillary 1, Comma 6 and three larvae, Ringlet 1, Speckled Wood 2; larvae: Autumn Green Carpet, Elephant Hawk 1, Buff-tip c.20, Alder Moth 1, Small Angel Shades 1. Mainly overcast, light rain followed by brief sunshine, c.16C.

Andrew and Jesmond Harding (08/08/2016)

Large White 4, Small White 2, Green-veined White 1, Common Blue 2, Holly Blue 16 plus, Small Tortoiseshell 1, Peacock 4, Red Admiral 2, Silver-washed Fritillary 1, Speckled Wood 2, Meadow Brown 1 at Louisa Bridge, Co. Kildare. Sunny, breezy, 18C.

Jesmond Harding (09/08/2016)

Small White 1, Green-veined White 1, Purple Hairstreak 2, Peacock 1, Red Admiral 2, Speckled Wood 4 at Glen of the Downs NNR, Wicklow. Mainly cloudy with very brief sunshine, c.16C.

John Lovatt (10/08/2016)

Silver-washed Fritillary 4 in garden of John Murphy at Crover, Lough Sheelin, Co. Cavan.

Jesmond Harding and Ian Whitehouse (15/08/2016)

Wood White 2, Brimstone 6+, Common Blue 2, Brown Hairstreak 16+ (about equal number of males and females, the latter fresher), Small Tortoiseshell 1, Peacock 3, Wall Brown 2, Grayling 2, Speckled Wood 20+, Meadow Brown 20+ with many fresh individuals at Gortlecka, Co. Clare. Breezy, c.23C.

Wood White 2, Brimstone 2, Large White 1, Silver-washed Fritillary 5, Dark Green Fritillary 1, Small Copper 1, Brown Hairstreak 7, Wall Brown 1, Speckled Wood numerous, Grayling 2, Meadow Brown numerous, Small Heath 5 at Clooncoose, Co. Clare. Conditions as above.

John Lovatt (15/08/2016)

Green-veined White 1, Peacock 2, Speckled Wood 3 at Bloomfield House Hotel shoreline, Co. Cavan.

Large White 1, Peacock 8, Silver-washed Fritillary  5, Speckled Wood 6, Meadow Brown 4 at Tudenham, north shoreline of Lough Ennell, Co. Westmeath.

Jesmond Harding (16/08/2016)

Wood White 1, Brimstone 5, Green-veined White 2, Small Copper 3, Brown Hairstreak 2, Peacock 3, Silver-washed Fritillary 2, Dark Green Fritillary 2, Wall Brown 4, Speckled Wood c.15, Grayling 3, Meadow Brown c.15, Small Heath 2 along track at Clooncoose, Co. Clare. Breezy, 25C. Butterflies appear to be fewer in number than the previous day and some were found in deep shade to avoid dangerously high temperatures on the limestone.

Brimstone c.10, Brown Hairstreak 2, Silver-washed Fritillary 1, Wall Brown 2, Speckled Wood numerous, Grayling 3, Meadow Brown numerous, including two pairs mating c.40cm apart, Burren Green moth 1, freshly emerged at Gortlecka, Co. Clare. Sunny, 25C.

Ian Whitehouse (16/08/2016)

Green-veined White 1, Purple Hairstreak 3, Small Tortoiseshell 1, Peacock 3, Red Admiral 5, Silver-washed Fritillary 6 seen 15:30-17:30 mainly on and near Buddleia beside the pond close to the car park in Knocksink Woods, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. Sunny, 19C

Pat Bell (16/08/2016)

Small White 2, Large White 4, Green-veined White 3, Holly Blue 2, Peacock 1, Red Admiral 1, Speckled Wood 8 along several kms of the Barrow Way, south of Athy, Co. Kildare. Sunny, c.23C

Pat Bell (19/08/2016)

Small White 2, Large White 6, Holly Blue 1, Peacock 6, Red Admiral 1 mostly on buddleia in my garden in Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Good recovery in Large Whites but Small Tortoiseshell awaited. Sunny c.20C.

Jane and Jesmond Harding (22/08/2016)

Brimstone 20, Small White 1, Small Copper 2, Common Blue 5, Small Tortoiseshell 6, Peacock 153, Red Admiral 2, Painted Lady 5, Speckled Wood 6, Meadow Brown 3, Silver Y c.10 at Lullybeg and Lullymore, Co. Kildare. Mainly sunny, light breeze, max 20C.

Jesmond Harding (24/08/2016)

Brimstone 31, Small White 1, Green-veined White 1, Small Copper 3, Common Blue 6, Small Tortoiseshell 16, Peacock 188, Red Admiral 5, Painted Lady 10, Silver-washed Fritillary 4, Wall Brown 1, Speckled Wood 10, Meadow Brown 5, Small Heath 2, Silver Y 19 at Lullybeg (I included counts of Brimstone 4, Common Blue 4, Small Tortoiseshell 1, Peacock 19, Painted Lady 2, Silver-washed Fritillary 2, Speckled Wood 1, Small Heath 2 along area starting at the end of peat storage area adjoining improved grassland grazed by cattle to the end of the marl track leading to Crabtree Reserve, Lullybeg. To compare this count with the count on 22/08/16, deduct the butterflies counted along this latter area) and Lullymore, Co. Kildare. Mainly sunny, light breeze, max 20C.

Pat Bell (25/08/2016)

Large White 8, Holly Blue 1, Peacock 5, Small Tortoiseshell 8,Red Admiral 7, Painted Lady 2, Speckled Wood 1, Silver Y 20+ in my garden in Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Hazy Sunshine, 19C.

Ian Whitehouse (25/08/2016)

Green-veined White 2, Purple Hairstreak 3, Speckled Wood 3 at Glen of the Downs, Co. Wicklow. Sunny, calm, 16C.

Purple Hairstreak 1, Peacock 6, Red Admiral 5 at Knocksink Wood, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow.

Andrew and Jesmond Harding, Fionnuala Parnell, Ian Whitehouse (26/08/2016)

Brimstone 17, Green-veined White 1, Small Tortoiseshell 59, Peacock 137, Silver-washed Fritillary 1, Red Admiral 11, Painted Lady 13, Speckled Wood 3, Meadow Brown 2 counted along track through wood leading to Lullybeg Reserve and the reserve at Lullybeg, Co. Kildare. Mainly sunny but windy, 19C.

Jesmond Harding (27/08/2016)

Brimstone 13, Small White 1, Small Copper 5, Small Tortoiseshell 33, Peacock 72, Red Admiral 16, Painted Lady 29, Silver-washed Fritillary 2, Marsh Fritillary larval nests 2, Speckled Wood 10, Knotgrass larva 2, along Lullybeg track (through wood leading to reserve) and reserve, Lullybeg, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 20C.

Brimstone 1, Large White 1, Small Tortoiseshell 11, Peacock 25,  Red Admiral 2, Painted Lady 2, Marsh Fritillary larval webs 14, Wall Brown 1, Speckled Wood 6 in IPCC reserve and adjoining track and grassland at Lullymore, Co. Kildare.

Ian Whitehouse (27/08/2016)

Wall Brown 1, Speckled Wood 1 at Howth summit, Co. Dublin. Sunny, light breeze, 17C.

Pat Wyse (28/08/2016)

Brimstone 18, Common Blue 10, Small Tortoiseshell 5, Peacock 12, Red Admiral 9, Painted Lady 8, Speckled Wood 7 at Lullymore, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 21C.

Ian Whitehouse (29/08/2016)

Small White 2, Purple Hairstreak 1, Peacock 2, Red Admiral 5, Silver-washed Fritillary 1, Speckled Wood 2 at Knocksink Wood, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. Sunny, calm, 19C.

Jesmond Harding (02/09/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 5, Elephant Hawk larva 1 in garden in Mulhussey, Co. Meath. Sunny, c.19C.

Ian Whitehouse (02/09/2016)

Purple Hairstreak 5, Peacock 1, Red Admiral 4, at Knocksink Wood, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. Sunny, calm, 19C.

Andrew Power (03/09/2016)

Brimstone 1, Brown Hairstreak female 1, Red Admiral 1, Speckled Wood 1, Meadow Brown 1, at Gortlecka, despite cool conditions.

Lily McGonagle (04/09/2016)

Red Admiral 1, Painted Lady 1 at C372254, Crislamore, Burnfoot, County Donegal.

Jesmond Harding (10/09/2016)

Brimstone 6, Green-veined White 1, Small Copper 3, Common Blue 3, Small Tortoiseshell 84, Peacock 2, Red Admiral 15, Painted Lady 29, Silver-washed Fritillary 1 (male), Speckled Wood 7, Meadow Brown 1 at Lullybeg, Co. Kildare. A mix of sun and cloud, 16C.

Green-veined White 1, Small Tortoiseshell 15, Painted Lady 1, Speckled Wood 2 in back garden in Mulhussey, Co. Meath.

John Lovatt (14/09/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 4, Speckled Wood 20 plus at Hook Head, Co. Wexford.

Ian Whitehouse (14/09/2016)

Purple Hairstreak 1, Small Tortoiseshell 1, Red Admiral 1, Speckled Wood 2 at Knocksink Wood, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. Sunny, calm, 18C.

Tom Dunbar (15/09/2016)

Brimstone 1, Brown Hairstreak 1, Small Tortoiseshell 1, Speckled Wood 12; female Brown Hairstreak was observed laying two ova in succession; five ova found. Site located off R360 at R303911 at Ballyportry South, Co. Clare. This is a new site for me; found habitat while driving. Sunny intervals, light breeze, 19C.

Tom Dunbar (16/09/2016)

Brown Hairstreak female 1 on bracken, Brown Hairstreak ova 4 on Common Blackthorn along side road off R360 at R324929, Ballard, Co. Clare. Sunny intervals, 18C.

Brown Hairstreak ovum on sheltered Common Blackthorn sucker at R365959, beside Lough Bunny, Co. Clare. It is nice to find new locations for this butterfly away from well known “hotspots.” Sunny intervals, windy in open areas, 18C.

Jesmond Harding (16/09/2016)

Small White pupa 1, Small Tortoiseshell 15, Painted Lady 1, Speckled Wood 2 in garden at Mulhussey, Co. Meath. Mainly sunny, c.17C.

Ian Whitehouse (16/09/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 1, Speckled Wood 7 at Knocksink Wood, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. Sunny, light breeze, 16C.

Jesmond Harding (17/09/2016)

Green-veined White 1, Small Tortoiseshell 99, Red Admiral 2, Painted Lady 4, Speckled Wood 17, Vapourer 1, Silver Y c.6 at Lullybeg (reserve and track leading to reserve), Co. Kildare. Overcast, 16C.

Tom Sheedy (18/09/2016)

Death’s-head Hawkmoth 1 at Malahide, Co. Dublin.

Pat Wyse (25/09/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 7, Red Admiral 1, Painted Lady 1, Speckled Wood 5 at Lullymore, Co. Kildare.Sunny, breezy, 13C.

Philip Strickland (02/10/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell, Speckled Wood, Small Chocolate larva 1, Vapourer moth, Nettle-tap moth (several) at Lullymore, Co. Kildare.

John Lovatt (02/10/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 4, Red Admiral 10, Speckled Wood 10 at The Hook, Co. Wexford.

Ian Whitehouse (06/10/2016)

Painted Lady 1, on ivy in back garden at Deansgrange, Co. Dublin. Sunny, 14C.

Jesmond Harding (07/10/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 2, Peacock 1 at Lullybeg, on south side of the reserve, Lullybeg, County Kildare. Bright but cloudy, 14C.

John Lovatt (08/10/2016)

Red Admiral 25+ at The Hook, Co. Wexford. Sunny, c.15C

John Lovatt (09/10/2016)

Clouded Yellow 1 at Cape Clear, Co. Cork seen by Mark Stewart, reported by J. Lovatt.

Jesmond Harding (14/10/2016)

Red Admiral 1, in garden in Mulhussey, Co. Meath. Cloudy but bright; breezy, c.14C.

Ian Whitehouse (16/10/2016)

Red Admiral 1 in Kilbogget Park, Ballybrack, Co. Dublin. Sunny, 15C.

Jesmond Harding (26/10/2016)

Holly Blue 1 (female, new emergent, on ivy on south facing wall), Red Admiral 1, in grounds of school in Old Bawn, Tallaght, Co. Dublin. Mild, overcast, c.13C.

Philip Strickland (30/10/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 1, at Timahoe Bog, Co. Kildare. Sunny, warm, c.15C.

Pat Wyse (31/10/2016)

Peacock 1 near Timahoe Bog, Co. Kildare. Sunny, 12C.

Jesmond Harding (31/10/2016)

November Moth agg 5, Red-green Carpet 2, Feathered Thorn 2 found during the day on and around front door of my house, Mulhussey, Co. Meath. Overcast, c.11C.

Jesmond Harding (01/11/2016)

Small Tortoiseshell 1, Red Admiral 1 (on ivy), Speckled Wood 1 (female, fluttering around grass clumps at the edge of track) and Common Darter 4 along track at Lullymore, Co. Kildare. Sunny, breezy, 11C.

John Murphy (28/11/2016)

Peacock 2 under plastic cover over peat supply at home, Crover, Lough Sheelin, Co. Cavan.

Jesmond Harding (06/12/2016)

December moth 1, near outside light over front door at Mulhussey, Co. Meath. Calm, dry, c.13C.