The records for 2025 are given below. The first sighting of each wild larva and free-flying butterfly/moth/dragonfly species is boldly indicated.
Elaine Mullins (09/02/2025)
Small Tortoiseshell 1 in my garden at O 24124 43846, Carrickhill Heights, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin.
Pat Wyse (20/02/2025)
Marsh Fritillary fourth instar larvae in three nests: two at N69256 26013, Lullymore, one at N68863 25642, Lullybeg, Co. Kildare.
Geraldine Nee (23/02/2025)
Brimstone 1 at M181720 Derrinrush Woods, County Mayo. Sunny, light breeze, I’m guessing about 12 Celsius – perhaps a little warmer in direct sunlight. Moving at speed along the edge of the woodland.
Robert Donnelly (27/02/2025)
Small Tortoiseshell 1 in my garden at S670301, Ballyknock, Co. Kilkenny. Sunny 10°C.
Frank Smyth (03/03/2025 )
Comma 1; also saw a butterfly in flight which was either a Comma or a Small Tortoiseshell at O 268372, Red Rock, Sutton, Dublin 13. Light SW wind, sunny and 12C.
Ita Brennan (03/03/3025)
Ruán Beag 1 ag O 25262 27755, grian an mheán lae, Páirc Hudson, Glas Tuathail, Co. Bhaile Átha Cliath. [Small Tortoiseshell 1 at O 25262 27755, noon sunshine, Hudson Park, Glasthule, Co. Dublin.]
Frank Smyth (04/03/2025)
Comma 1 in the same area as yesterday’s unidentified butterfly, at O 268372, Red Rock, Sutton, Dublin 13. Sunny, light SW wind, 9 C.
Michael Gray (04/03/2025)
Comma 1 basking on dead nettle stalks at O 156260, Marlay Park, Rathfarnham, D.16. Sunny, cool breeze, 11C.
Frank Smyth (05/03/2025)
Red Admiral 1, Small Tortoiseshell 1 at O 274370, Carrickbrack, Howth, Co. Dublin.Sunny, very windy SW, 12C.
Robert Donnelly (06/03/2025)
Painted Lady 1 in my garden at S670301, Ballyknock, Co. Kilkenny. Cloudy, 11°C.
Michael Gray (06/03/2025)
Small Tortoiseshell 3 at O 156260, Marlay Park, Rathfarnham, D.16. Sunny initially, cool breeze, 11C.
Frank Smyth (08/03/2025)
Comma 1 feeding on Winter Heliotrope at O 268372, Red Rock, Sutton, Dublin 13. Sunny, Light wind, 12C.
Michael Gray (09/03/2025)
Small Tortoiseshell 3, Peacock 1, Comma 3 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm at O 156260, Marlay Park, Rathfarnham, D.16
Frank Smyth ( 9/03/2025 )
Small Tortoiseshell 2 on Winter Heliotrope, at O 268372, Red Rock, Sutton, Dublin 13 . Sunny, light NW wind, 12C.
Jesmond Harding (09/03/2025)
Brimstone 1 male at N 70126 26277, Lullymore, Co. Kildare.
Brimstone c.8 males at and near N 68786 25672, Lullybeg, Co. Kildare. Sunny, c.14C. All were seen from 12 noon to 2 pm near and within scrub near open areas searching for females.
Ian Stevenson (09/03/2025)
Brimstone 3 on the wing at N 54374 14956, Derryounce Trail, Portarlington, Co. Laois. Light breeze, 13 degrees, sunny.
Frank Smyth (12/03/2025 )
Small Tortoiseshell 3, Comma 2 taking nectar from Alexanders at O 268372, Red Rock, Sutton, Dublin 13. Stiff north wind away from sheltered places, sunny, 9C.
Maurice Simms for Ingrid Grollke (15/03/2025)
Marsh Fritillary larval groups 12 at G 763839, Drumcoe, Mountcharles, Co. Donegal. Short sunny periods.
Michael Gray (19/03/2025)
Comma 1 at O175234, Kilmashogue, Co. Dublin
Small Tortoiseshell 1 at O 156260, Marlay Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.
Jesmond Harding (20/03/2025)
Small Tortoiseshell 1 at N 69965 26271, Lullymore West, Co. Kildare.
Brimstone c.8 including females 2 at N 68751 25820, Lullybeg, Co. Kildare. Sunny, light southerly breeze, 18C.
Marsh Fritillary larvae in the area are moulting into the fifth instar with some already in the fifth stage.
Jim Fitzharris (20/03/2025)
Small Tortoiseshell 1, Peacock 1, Comma 2 at O 106 294 Tymon Park, Co. Dubin. Warm, sheltered, sunny, 20°C.
Felicity Laws (23/03/2025)
Peacock 1 basking in a sheltered place at V79985 36829, Cahir Loop, Sheep’s Head, West Cork. Sunny, windy.
Frank Smyth (24/03/2025)
Comma 1 (appeared melanistic) at O 268372, Red Rock, Sutton, Dublin 13 Sunny, light wind, 12C.
Frank Smyth (25/03/2025)
Painted Lady 1, Small Tortoiseshell 1 at O 268372, Red Rock, Sutton, Dublin 13. Short sunny spells, light wind, 13C.