Butterfly Conservation Ireland attempted to contact the National Parks and Wildlife personnel responsible for the region in which Killeglan Grasslands is located to check if the site was damaged or about to be damaged. This issue is referred to in a previous post.
After several phone calls and over a week after our concerns were relayed, we were contacted and a site visit was made by the person responsible for checking on designated sites in that area. We were told that the damage done bordering the site took place some (unspecified )time ago and that the piling up of stone on the SAC was carried out several years ago and is that noted in the site description published on the National Parks and Wildlife website.
Butterfly Conservation Ireland expressed its concern to the official about the failure to respond to our message and about the time taken to deal with the issue. The National Parks and Wildlife staff have the crucial role of monitoring our designated sites which contain our best natural habitats. The delay in responding might see irreparable damage caused.
We hope that our special places receive the protection they need, and that the National Parks and Wildlife Service is given the resources, management and support needed. Above all, we will continue to press for the fullest commitment to nature conservation by the staff of the organisation.
Enormous destruction of Ireland’s natural heritage took place especially from the 1970’s. Unless we show we really are serious about defending remaining patches, we will have nothing left to protect.