In all the maelstrom of climate change and biodiversity loss, it is so heartening to hear positive voices express hope for a better, happier, more nature-rich future. I heard these voices recently on the video linked here:
This wonderful group of young people teamed up to produce this wonderfully evocative, earnest and touching innocent plea for the preservation of the great wilderness and biodiverse paradise in northwest Kildare and east Offaly. The group is supporting the campaign for a new National Park to be located in the region. This would be the only national park in Ireland on raised bog habitat.
The young people will make their pitch to Kildare County Council on the 24th of October 2022 when they will meet all of Kildare’s councilors.
Butterfly Conservation Ireland asks you to support this vital proposal, which encompasses around 7000 hectares of habitat, by signing the petition at
The development of a national park in this area will enhance the protection of Ireland’s biological diversity, reduce pollution, store carbon and promote carbon sequestration. The tourism, commercial and amenity potential possibilities present opportunities for local communities and businesses in Kildare and Offaly.
The opportunities include the potential for rambling, cycling, horse riding, water sports, nature study, education, and research. The Park will offer people a wilderness experience. Situated in the east midlands, it has the potential to attract visitors from the greater Dublin area and overseas, bringing opportunities to an economically depressed West Kildare /East Offaly area.
But it will do so much more; it will give hope to all who love our landscapes, want to see despoilation and biodiversity loss reversed, and see the faith of our idealistic young people affirmed.
Sign the petition!